Top 5 Reverse Search engines

      Ever stuck with a photograph or any image, You've seen it before but not able to recall at particular instant of time, Then you start guessing the original name or hit and try methods on traditional searches. Well, If you've been, Now's there is a time of a bit advancement. Even If you're unaware of any new product or technology or you see a fabulous car but do not know it's name, the Reverse Image Search Engines are very handy tool for you.

      Reverse image search engines are those special kind of search engines where you don't need to input any keywords to find pictures. You've to input pictures instead of any keywords and the result is  similar to your entered image, where you can follow it to it's website. Over half of the population in the world is still unknown to this service. 

1. TinEye

It is the most popular reverse image search engine in the world. It is a product from Idee Inc., a Toronto based company. Here you can upload a picture or image of maximum size 20 MB. It supports JPEG, PNG and GIF formats of the image. It also track an image for an illegal use of copyrighted image. This makes it a very useful search engine. This is the first ever created reverse image search engine. It's free version allows up to 100 searches maybe less or more in a week, if you want to experience it's pro features as well as greater limit for searches, you can also purchase it's paid version.

2. Yandex

Yandex, Russia's largest search engine, also provides reverse image search tool. You can also add image as well as you can also provide an image URL. You can also apply filters on image while searching like image type: JPEG, PNG, GIF or image size: Medium, Large or Small. There is no need to signing it up or any account.

3. Google Images

I think hardly there is a man present on the this planet, who doesn't knows about the Google. Everyone's familiar with Google Search Engine or Google images, but you can also use reverse image search here.This is completely free service and also there is no limit of uploading the image's size, so you can search more specifically . You can search by any image by uploading it or by URL of the image, or by simply drag and drop feature. If you're using Chrome browser, you can also do reverse search by right click on any image and "Search google for image" feature. 

4. Image Raider

Image raider is also a reverse image search tool. It is no compare to some already leading tools but we just simply can't ignore it. It provides a unique feature which is not provide any of the other search engine. Here you can upload more than one images, which increases the probability of getting better results of any search. Here you can not only provide just either by image or by URL, but you can also give input through any sitemap, or some directly from Flickr, 500px etc accounts.

5. Baidu

It is the China's largest reverse image search engine tool. It's interface is totally in Chinese language, thus not easily understandable  to everyone, You first have to translate it. This is still "Under Construction" project, So it also provide poor results compare to any other reverse image search tool present out there. 

 There are dozens of apps which you can use based on your platform. Here are some apps:-

  1. Google Goggles(For Android)
  2. Reverse Image Search(For Windows)
  3. Veracity (For IOS) 


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