Google Hack-Tricks

      I think probably there is no one in this entire freaking Universe who doesn't know about Google. Most of the folks chooses Google as their default search engine. As an ordinary user, you may search with any search engine about anything, But the most arguing question is that "Do you always get whatever you search for?". That's a very tempting question and we always stuck with it over million times. In another scenario you found your websites, songs, softwares after spending a lot of time.

      After reading this post, you became a "power user". This context includes some advanced tricks of searching from Google.With these hacks in practice, your task is lot easier and more efficient to find what you are looking for. This context includes some tags as well as common search techniques which you can use.

1. site:

The "search within a site" hack is one of the most powerful hack of all time. If you're looking for some articles or posts published on a website, then this hack in for you. E.g.
kim jong

This search result in google displays all the information or can say, posts related to kim jong published on website. This is just an illustration. You can do a lot more than that. for example, you can use any particular domain(e.g. .com, .gov etc) to filter result in a specific domain.

2. related:

This Tag helps you to find sites that having similar content to the provided URL. E.g.

 I've searched for the sites that are similar to Google. We know that Google is a search engine, so this results a list of almost all the search engines just like Google.

3. allintext: / intext:

This tag restricts the results to only those which containing all the query terms you specify in the text of page. E.g. 
allintext:free bitcoins
This search will return only those pages in which the words "free" and "bitcoins" appear on the text of page. The intext tag will search only for one next word. Thus allintext to an entire phrase is equivalent to each search word preceded with intext title. E.g.
allintext:free bitcoins  eqv. to intext:free intext:bitcoins 

4. allintitle: / intitle:

It will restricts results to those query terms which present only in the title. E.g.
allintitle:free bitcoins
As you cans see the results, all blue heading/title contains the phrase "free bitcoins". intitile is almost similar to the allintitle tag. You may search for any song using intitle tag succeeded by the file format you want.

5. allinurl: / inurl:

It will restricts results to those query terms which present only in the URL of any website. E.g.
allinurl:free bitcoins
Almost all websites contains an index page. There are many languages which are used to develop back-end of website and php is one of them. Now, this search query returns all the results whose link/URL contains "index.php" phrase in it. 

6. filetype:suffix

Limits results to that pages whose names ends in suffix. The suffix can be any format of file and of variable length. E.g.
This search query provides all the python tutorials files in the pdf format.

More Filtering Searches

1. Search Social Media

Put @ in front of a query to search social media.

2. Exclude words from search

put - sign in leave out that word. e.g. Jaguar speed -car
This will show results the speed of real Jaguar instead of the top speed of Jaguar car.

3. Search Hashtags

Put # before a word to search for hashtags on social media. E.g. #python

4. Search for an exact match

If you are looking for a specific keywords for search query, then enclose the text between double quotes. E.g. "Python Tutorials".

5.  Search for wildcards and missing words

Put an * character for the placeholder letter/word about which you don't have any idea. E.g. The Fastest * in the world.

6. See Google's cached version of site

Put cache: in front of any sites to see its cached version.

7. Combine Searches

You can use OR keyword for combine searches. E.g. python OR php tutorials.

8. Search within a range of number

Use two periods(.) between two number to specify range. E.g. best smartphone $100..$200.


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