What is Deep Web and Dark web???
The Deep web, oftenly called Darknet or hidden net is simply an deeper area of the internet which is not indexed by the search engines. You can understand it by simply assuming a little submerged iceberg which caused the Titanic to sink and here consider the submerged section as Deepweb. The content of the Deepweb is hidden behind the simple HTML forms. The opposite of the Deepweb is the Surface Web, which we encounters with on regular basis. Computer Scientist Mike Bergman is credited with a coining term called "Deep Web" in a paper which was later published in The Journal Of Electronic Publishing in August 2001. Mike Bergman also estimated some statistics at the time of publication like, The volume of the information on the Deep Web is 500 times more than what we called today, World Wide Web. It was roughly estimated that it contains more than 7,500 Tera Bytes of data. The another term is oftenly used is Dark Web. M...